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Internet Safety Tips

Cyberbullying is the use of technology - cell phones, texts, computers, emails, chats, etc. - to make someone feel bad or unsafe.  It can include sending mean or threatening messages, spreading rumors, purposely leaving people out, impersonating others to embarrass them, and many more.  It is extremely damaging and harmful with victims suffering from low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and depression.


Students can check out these videos to learn the facts from
Heads Up: Stop, Think, Click 
Share with Care 
Stand up to Cyberbullying 
The Protection Connection

Here is an interactive game to help students understand cyberbullying:  The Case of the Cyber Criminal

BrainPop has a great video to explain to students about cyberbullying:

Here are a few websites that teach kids & parents ways to be safe while using the Internet:

-Welcome to the Web
 A series of lessons for teaching young students how to navigate the Internet

-LMK: Life online
 A website created for the purpose of educating girls about online safety. Sponsored by the Girl Scouts and Microsoft.

-Google Family Safety Center
 Introduces parents and shows them how to use Google's safety tools including safe search, safe search lock, and YouTube's safety mode.

-Internet Safety with Professor Garfield
 Offers an animated lesson on cyberbullying and an animated lesson about online safety.

-Webonauts Internet Academy
 Website where elementary school students can learn about safe online behaviors.

-A Thin Line
This site is designed to educate teenagers about the possible repercussions of their online activities.

-Common Sense Media

This site is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology.


Additionally, here is a list of internet safety websites: - Comprehensive List of Internet Safety Websites


mseppblog, 2016


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Instagram Parent Tips

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